Give a gift that keeps giving!

Are you having a hard time finding the right gift for a friend or family member? Now, you can give to Into The Neighborhood in honor of them! Your gift helps to provide…

  • personal hygiene items or bras, underwear, pads and tampons for people in need
  • basic items people in early recovery from substance use disorders, need as well as, workforce training, financial literacy, and more.
  • physical and spiritual food to those who are hungry.

Here’s how you can do it!

  1. Make a donation.
  2. Contact us below with the recipient’s name and mailing address (or email if you prefer) and the amount given.
  3. Once we verify the donation, we will send them a card on your behalf!

Please request by 12/15/23 if you expect the card to be sent via USPS. This gives us 10 days to get it to them in time!

There are several ways you can donate…

1.  Paypal 

Paypal Partner Here

2. Venmo:  Into The Neighborhood

3.  Cash App $itnrva

4.  Write a check.  (No fees apply.)

Write us a check and mail it to the following address.

Into The Neighborhood, PO Box 25898, Richmond VA 23260

Please know that your prayers and investments of $25, $100, $500, $1000 or more will make all the difference in the world to our neighbors, to our community, to our city and to the Kingdom of God.

Your financial gift is just one way to love. We also encourage you to give of your time and talents. Your investment of relationship, talents and abilities will mean just as much!

Please Note:  Into The Neighborhood, Inc. is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation, EIN # 46-3527788.

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